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Wood Turning Arts & Crafts by


Wood Turned Ornaments, Wood Turned Pens by Marv Conklin



Although he’s made several hundred bottle stoppers,
no two are exactly alike.

Even pens made the same way have differences in wood grain and color.

Featured Crafts & Gifts

Every Item has it's own unique characteristics. Contact Marv to create your next gift for a friend, loved one, or yourself!
Contact Marv
Woodturned Bowl

Woodturned Bowl

Woodturned Bud Vase

Woodturned Bud Vase

Woodturned Bud Vase

Woodturned Bud Vase

Apple iPad or PC Tablet Stylus Pen

Apple iPad or PC Tablet Stylus Pen

 Wood Pen Clock Pedestal Set

Wood Pen Clock Pedestal Set

Woodturned Wine Bottle Stopper

Woodturned Wine Bottle Stopper

Woodturned Christmas Ornament

Woodturned Christmas Ornament

Woodturned Fire Starter

Woodturned Fire Starter

Magnifying Glass, Pen & Letter Opener

Magnifying Glass, Pen & Letter Opener

Wood turned Letter Opener & Pen Set

Wood turned Letter Opener & Pen Set

Woodturned Pencil Holder

Woodturned Pencil Holder

Assorted Woodturned Pens

Assorted Woodturned Pens

Vertex Roller Ball Pen with Magnetic Cap

Vertex Roller Ball Pen with Magnetic Cap

Paper Clip Holder & Wood Turned Office Supplies

Paper Clip Holder & Wood Turned Office Supplies

Aero Pen

Aero Pen

Bottle stopper

Bottle Stopper

Lathe Turned Green Acrylic Pens

Acrylic Pens

Lathe Turned Green Acrylic Pens
Marv Conklin

Marv Conklin

Wood Turner

Marv Conklin has been turning wood for over ten years. After being a pipe-fitter for 35 years, Marv retired and decided he needed another hobby in addition to fishing. He took one lesson from well-known turner Frank Lynn and was hooked. A few years later, Frank said, “You’ve committed the ultimate sin of becoming better than your teacher.”

Although woodturning is primarily a hobby, Marv’s pens and bottle stoppers have found their way from his Washington home clear across the country to Virginia and many states in-between. People in China, Mexico, Australia, and Holland have received these items as gifts from people in this area.

“The wood knows.” Marv takes pride in making every item unique. Although he’s made several hundred bottle stoppers, no two are exactly alike. Even pens made the same way have differences in wood grain and color.

To make a pen, Marv decides on the style, selects the wood (he uses exotic hardwoods from around the world), cuts it to length, drills an opening for the brass tubing, and glues the tubing inside the wood block. After the glue sets, he makes another cut, mounts the block on the lathe and begins the turning process which involves shaving off the wood, multiple sandings, and polishing with a special Australian shell wax before pen assembly. This process takes several hours. Look at the pictures of Marv’s pens, he hopes you will agree, it’s time well spent.

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